Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon may not be everyone’s first choice when it comes to eating fruit. However, as an essential oil it can certainly be revitalizing to the person who enjoys it’s many benefits. Because lemon-essential-oil-picLemon essential oil is cold-pressed from an estimated 3,000 whole lemon rinds per kilo of oil, we are able to partake of its incredible properties in one simple little bottle without having to eat the rinds. In addition, Lemon also contains 68 percent dlimonene which makes it a powerful antioxidant. Let’s delve deeper into Lemon essential oil.

Perhaps, one of the most beneficial things about lemon oil, as Jean Valnet MD notes, is its ability to provide support to the nervous and sympathetic nervous systems. This greatly helps us with occasional minor anxiety and stress related to our everyday lifestyles and can help us feel uplifted and happy. Since Young Living essential oils are 100% pure therapeutic grade, you can add a couple drops to your water or other preferred drink at any time of the day to enjoy this perk.

Lemon oil can even be used as a cleanser to help remove dirt and grime and sanitize most surfaces. For example, if you have grease spots in your kitchen or crayon markings on the walls in your home, all it will take is a few drops of your lemon essential oil diluted with distilled water for those stains to wipe away fast. For a more thorough cleaning, you can even use Young Living Thieves Cleaner, which already has Lemon essential oil as an ingredient, inside a spray bottle diluted to your preference. Then cleanse the surfaces of your home, including your kitchens, bathrooms, floors, and appliances.

Lemon essential oil can actually be used as a natural cleanser that can promote healthy and young looking skin. By placing Lemon essential oil on oily skin or blemishes, it helps balance the oil glands and minimize oil production. It’s also great for soothing our poor feet from corns, calluses, and bunions. Plus, Lemon is a great addition to any massage because it helps to improve circulation and get rid of the waste from cells in cellulite. Since Lemon is phototoxic it’s best to stay out of direct sunlight for at least twelve hours after applying to skin.

There are many more reasons to enjoy Lemon essential oil. These are only a few, but be sure that Lemon essential oil is definitely an Everyday oil.